How to Create Content That Drives Sales

Content will always remain king IF you see your business as your kingdom. And kings’ goal is serving their kingdom.

Although having a successful brand relies on various aspects, content remains one of the most important tools to increase business’ revenue.

With the use of content marketing strategies, businesses can increase traffic, have better relationships with customers, spread brand awareness, and ultimately increase sales. The first step, however, is to create incredible content to experience all these amazing results.

Let’s slide through the marketing funnel…

Know Your Customers

Identifying your target market's interests is the first step to developing content that aligns with your business' objectives.

You’ll be able to know their likes and dislikes by constantly creating and giving them different content types. By observing what they interact with the most, you’ll understand what they’re looking for, that enables you as a business owner or marketer to create the content that keeps your customers hooked.

After having a well-constructed idea of what your audience want, consider applying the RACE strategy which you can read more about here.

In simpler words, know your customers and let them know you! It goes both ways.

Create a Blog

If applicable, invest in a website, create a blog where you can utilize keywords that people search up on search engines, and provide your people with the information they want to know (because you already know what they want through your “content trial” phase).

Utilize SEO keywords, insert those keywords in your blogs, and drive traffic to your website. You can also show off your brand personality and tone of voice, which we can help you identify, which will add to the whole customer experience and encourage customers to act.

Create Product/Service Tutorials

Your product tutorials will be successful if they are highly interactive, and the information is presented in an engaging, playful manner.

Infomercials attract a great deal of attention online because they highlight the usefulness of different products and present them in a new light. The tutorial you create, whether written or filmed, should be fun and informative, and if you play your cards right, it could become viral.

Provide Customer Testimonials

One perfect example of content marketing on your blog is to dedicate a page or portion of your homepage to past customer testimonials and/or examples of your product in use. With testimonials from regular customers, you provide social evidence about your contribution to customer loyalty.

People love when they hear others talking and giving their honest opinion about something they feel skeptical about. Make sure to provide honest testimonials to gain people’s trust.


Call to Action Buttons or Phrases

For people to act, encourage them to.

After creating awareness of your product/service, provided people with enough information and testimonials for your audience to stay hooked, it’s time to add “call to action” buttons or phrases as the final step in the marketing funnel to get people to spend.

Pro tip: make use of seasonal promotions to drive even more sales! All customers love specific seasons because they know they come with offers (ex: Christmas, Black Friday, summertime). Engage in those limited time discounts and add CTA buttons/phrases that gets people to buy

Ps: don’t overdo those offers… it’ll backfire.

Final words

Driving traffic to your website with content marketing can lead to a significant increase in sales. The purpose of content marketing is not only to attract and raise awareness for your brand, but also to attract more customers.

It also helps that you stay engaged with your loyal customers and refine your products. By doing this, you will increase the value of your brand.


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